One of the defining features of SmartChemistry® is codifying chemistry: converting human readable experimental procedures into machine readable protocols that structure and capture lab data for better insights for your chemistry. To help facilitate this essential conversion SmartChemistry® provides simple, automatic tools that help you, the user, create contextualized and rich protocols quickly and easily, even if you have no coding experiencing at all.
Read on to find out more about how SmartChemistry® creates our machine readable procedures automatically.
The first stage of any SmartChemistry® experiment is the creation of a Recipe, a digital record of the chemists intent in the lab. The Recipe contains all the information the chemist requires to perform the reaction safely and reproducibly. Importantly though we utilize Recipes to enrichen data captured in the lab and help provide better insights for your chemistry. All of this is possible due to Practical Chemistry Markup Language (PCML) that SmartChemistry® uses to codify your procedure into a Recipe.
The PCML contains everything related to your chemistry, including the chemicals, masses, volumes, techniques, equipment, safety information and the actions the user will perform in the lab and is automatically generated whenever you use our Recipe creation tools. This means regardless of skill level, all of our users have access to high quality and rich coded protocols quickly and easily. Additionally you can use our RecipeBuilder tools to make simple changes to your Recipe that automatically updated your PCML.
Alternatively if you are more code savvy you can export and import PCML records for your own analysis. In fact our PCRR (Practical Chemistry Runtime Record) builds upon your PCML post-run, adding sensor data and even outcomes to an exportable and complete digital record.